Story: I am there for you – Everyone has a reason!

“Move move move…” yelled the voice.

-“Please sir!”

“Nothing I can do!” yelling continued.

-“Please take this sir!, leave me!”

“What is this?”, he questioned on insufficiency.

-“That’s all I have sir, please sir. Leave me, sir!”

“Ok, ok, I should never see you here again”, the hand grabbed the money and the heavy pockets welcomed it in no time.

He walked away.

“Wherever you go…. I will follow….” Vodafone ringtone demanded an answer. “Yes”…… “Do not worry!”…… “I will get you a management seat in medical college”……”I am there for you ” the policeman replied to his daughter on the phone.

Nokia 1100’s ringtone buzzed in his bag. “Haan, Ma”…… “I am fine”…..”No problem here, I will send the money tomorrow”….. “I am there for you ma” the roadside Panipuri selling boy replied to his mother.

– Words by Din


Bottom Line: Everyone has a reason to get bribe and justify their acts. Whatever the bribery is a crime! At least please do not ask bribe from poor people! 


© Propel Steps 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Propel Steps and Dinesh Kumar Radhakrishnan with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. 

More Stories by Din

3 thoughts on “Story: I am there for you – Everyone has a reason!

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  1. Bottom Line: Everyone has a reason to get bribe and justify their acts. Whatever the bribery is a crime! At least please do not ask bribe from poor people! Promoting bribe..?


    1. 🙂 how can I? definitely not! I mentioned it clearly as “crime” also, do you think they gonna stop if we ask them to stop getting bribe? they wont!

      So it is just a pleading not to ask bribe from poor at least. Let them have that humanity first, then we can expect ethics from them to say “No” to bribe..

      Hope now my perspective is clear? 🙂


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