Never push any children to be a topper, instead motivate them to seek excellence in what they aspire, a Genius in them will surprise you. - Din

Tribute : Edmund Thomas Clint, a Genius Child (1976-1983)

Edmund Thomas Clint an Indian child prodigy known for having drawn over 25,000 paintings in just 2522 days, Sadly, he lived only for 7 years ( May 19, 1976 - April 15, 1983) and passed away due to kidney failure. Clint Road in Kochi, Kerala is named after him. But what he did in those 7 years is a work of sheer genius. At such a... Continue Reading →

Education is Everything : Thought #3 : Plato

“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”                       ― Plato

Powerful Quote #77 : Struggles

You are no genius as you seem to be successful and laugh at someone else he/she struggles now! Every true Genius never attains success without struggling and never laughs at someone's struggles! -Words by Din

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