Blind Dog Lilly and her partner Madison : Tale of Happiness and Sadness

The Happy Days at the Pet Adoption Center


When the Great Dane Lily lost her sight, her future seemed equally dark and bleak. However, no one would have expected that her partner Madison would quickly took on the task of “Guide Dog for a Blind Dog.” As long as Madison was by her side, Lily looks like any other normal dog. 

Lily turned 6 on 2011, Due to un-repairable damages from Trichiasis during her cub years, she has had to continue living relying on others for guidance, and this was when 7 years old Madison became her assistant. 


Manager at the adoption center, Louise Campbell commented, “Even though Madison has never had official training, when she guides Lily, it’s as if she’s a professional guide dog for the blind. Madison will always stay close to Lily and constantly have body contact with her so she knows where to go.” Campbell continued, “Even though Lily has lost her sight, her other senses became even more heightened and knows Madison is by her side even without being able to see.”

Since Great Danes are very large canines, they became hard for Lily and Madison’s original owner to afford. They were both then staying at the pet adoption center waiting to be adopted, but the mandatory “Two as One” deal had deterred many people from finalizing the adoption. Campbell pointed out that while she has hoped the two can soon find a new owner, these owners of good will should be kindly reminded of the responsibilities that come with adopting them. 


After Lily had her eyes removed, Madison has been taking care of the brave Lily and since became her “dedicated guide dog.” The two shares an inextricable bond. When they are outside, Madison will watch Lily’s every move, as if they were born as sisters bound by blood. Madison meticulously cares for Lily and acts as her eyes, and Lily trusts her with her life. The two rarely left each other’s side and can feel each other’s existence as if they could communicate through mere breathing. 


Even though Lily has lost her sight, unless otherwise told, no one would notice that she was a blind dog, because she so bravely embraces and adapts to the world of darkness and does not refuse the rest of the world just because she cannot see. Although she’s tripped over little rocks many times due to lack of sight, she still so adamantly and quickly adapted to her surroundings at the adoption center. Every time they are let out to roam the fields, Lilly will from time to time lower her head to take in the smell of fresh grass or constantly walk around and occasionally bursting into a sprint. Madison on the other hand is often the one turning her head around worried and searching for Lily.


Also known as the “Kind Giants,” Great Danes may be physically large, but possesses mild and gentle personalities. The adoption center expressed that they hope someone can adopt the two together. Lily may have lost her sight, but she still needs the same amount of exercise, and Madison is her second set of eyes. The center hoped that this preciously rare friendship can continue on forever and they can soon be adopted.

Adoption came as Cause of Separation


The six-year-old and her companion, another Great Dane called Maddison, had been rehomed together after an appeal by the Dogs Trust.

They were adopted by Anne and Len Williams from Nantwich, Cheshire, but were returned to the charity’s home at Roden near Shrewsbury.

Mr and Mrs Williams will now keep Maddison, but Lily is at the dogs’ home because the two cannot be reconciled.

Charlotte Speedy of the Dogs Trust said the decision to separate them had not been taken lightly.

“Despite the best efforts of staff and the very committed new owners, it became evident that Lily and Maddison were no longer happy to live together.

“The nature of their relationship changed in their new home environment and after careful consideration, and many attempts at re-introduction in different surroundings which continued until very recently, the decision was made that they would need to be rehomed separately,” she said.

‘Stress and uncertainty’


‘The aggressive reaction Lily had towards Maddison in her new home is almost certainly because she is blind, meaning she will have adjusted and reacted differently compared to a dog with full vision. Lily had been living in a home for six years and in an environment that she was comfortable in and used to. The move to kennels with Maddison would not have been too hard for Lily as the kennel environment is limited and easier to adjust to. This means her relationship with Maddison would have been easy to maintain and remained stable.

Until that point assessment proved that the dogs were happiest together and that they offered each other valuable support – rehoming Lily and Maddison together became the Rehoming Centre’s priority.

Sadly for Lily moving to another home proved extremely stressful and she struggled to adjust to the new environment, find her way around, and build a new relationship with her owners whilst maintaining her friendship with Maddison. The stress and uncertainty Lily felt during the move resulted in her attacking Maddison. Unfortunately some fights in the dog world are so distressing that it becomes too difficult to forgive each other. After weeks’ of trying to reintroduce the dogs it was clear that they were extremely distressed in each others’ company and happiest when kept apart. 

For the safety and wellbeing of the dogs Lily and Maddison will be rehomed separately. Human company and affection in their new homes will help to take the place of dog companionship and ensure their happiness’

Originally, when Lily and Maddison came to Dogs Trust, they got on very well in a kennel environment. This is the reason that we sent out a rehoming appeal Looking for a home that would take them both on. We could not foresee the change in Lily’s behaviour towards Maddison in a home environment but had to act accordingly once this was highlighted to us. Due to the nature of the attack on Maddison in the home Dogs Trust had the responsibility for the safety of both dogs and the family members who took them on.

They were finally separated on Thursday 17th November 2011.

What happened then?

Well it remained unknown to many, even people were so focused on to reunite the friends again at the dog shelter, Even they have formed a Facebook page “Reunite Lilly and Madison” 

After a strenuous search, we found this update on them as follows on a blog called, it says “

Lily’s new owners say she has settled in very well. She enjoys her walks, and particularly loves playing with her toys. They are full of enthusiasm for their newest family member, saying they “love her to bits”. 

Maddison’s owners popped in a Christmas card to Dogs Trust Shrewsbury over the festive season, letting everyone know she is very happy and enjoying life as part of their family.

We are very pleased that both Lily and Maddison have found homes that can give them the attention, love and care they need. We thank their owners for their commitment, and wish them all the best for the future.

We too hope that they are doing good! But we too feel bad that they both should have been kept together at the adoption center itself, with some funds from the people to take care of them. Anybody share if there any update on them!

11 thoughts on “Blind Dog Lilly and her partner Madison : Tale of Happiness and Sadness

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  1. well, basically the ´Williams´ were FUCKED new ´owners´! they did not give the right environment to them! and they did not really take into consideration the handcap Lilly had! They ´as humans´ should have done WAY MUCH MORE to keep them together! and obviously the choose Madison! the one without any problem! Lazy BASTARDS! did not do half of what they Should and Could to make the two dogs adapt in a nice and peaceful way in their home, and sending back Lilly to the shelter was the Worse SHIT they could have done! SAD! SAD! STORY! Another one for the ´Karma of humanity´.


  2. Amazing story. sad that they had to be separated but that was the best. Dogs have their distinct personality and their own set of psychological reactions and problems.loved the story. Thanks for sharing.


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