Snippet Thoughts : May be, a better way to explain GOD

An Alien could see the Earth as a red planet! Yes. Not a beautiful blue ball, if his eyes sense the wavelength of blue as red. It is possible.

Maybe he could breathe CO2 because his respiratory system could be designed in that way.

Maybe he doesn’t need to eat, he may have an inbuilt photosynthesis mechanism in his body to supply energy from the sun. He may look green like a Hulk.

As far as we know, science educated us with all the facts that we can perceive with our 5 senses. Even with the support of the sixth sense our knowledge about the universe, earth, even the very near nature around us still remains a mystery.

Why don’t have a night vision? Why can’t we see air? What if water floats and air flows on the ground? What if dinosaurs had survived? What if some animal develops a sixth sense like we do?

If you look detailed into everything, you can find an accurately programmed system. If you look wider, the whole thing would have the same sync with the other programmes.

Sun is at a perfect distance neither it burn away the Earth nor it freezes us down. All the planets are in a perfect orbit and has their own agenda, from speed to mass, from gravity to the rotation, everything is in a perfect alignment.

I can’t tell you how. But if there is no Jupiter, then we would not be here right now! Thousands of asteroids would have bombarded Earth by now. Like this, though we cannot relate a direct connection, every single atom in the universe is well connected in a system.


Feeling GOD

Do you call it Nature? or Science? or like me it is something divine what we call as GOD. GOD is an arguable concept.

If you try to realize GOD via religions, then you would end up constrained to its cultural limitation and dwindle within a circle. You can only see GOD as what man imagined, yes religions are nothing but man-made concepts. Every religion is a different attempt to know the unknown GOD, the supreme power which regulates everything happens in the universe.

If you try to realize GOD via intelligence, then you would end up failing miserably as an Atheist because our intelligence what we scientifically claim as the best in the world, is not the best. It is just a fraction of our brain’s actual capacity. We cannot even define 100% how the Earth works and the ecosystem of Earth balances, even if you take another 10000 years. Even if we try still our extinction, we cannot feel the GOD with our intelligence.

Then what is GOD? How can we conclude on the existence of GOD when we are incapable of understanding systems that work beyond the capacity of our knowledge.

The answer is we call the Supreme power / Nature as GOD. You can feel GOD in anything and everything. That’s what wise people said “An Atom doesn’t move without GOD”.

You and I accepting or denying the existence of GOD is not going to affect the system at all. Everything happens around on its own agenda. The only thing we can control to an extent is our very own soul.

Both Atheism and Theism is a way of exploring GOD. But never get hooked to a system of religion, which will turn you an extremist at some point, thus you forget love and give place to hatred on others. Religion is an entry point to bring a belief on GOD, but religions’ road won’t take us to the Destiny. GOD is beyond the religions.

When you don’t have love and kindness, you are deviating from the system and become a Moron, who can never feel the Spiritual presence of the Supreme Power – GOD! SO FORGO RELIGIONS, LOVE ALL, HATE NONE.

Thinking about God is an intriguing activity that I get immersed into, at times. Especially at those sleepless nights, like a meditation or a lucid dreaming. Most of the time I wanted to write them down in the next morning, but I end up breaking my head “What did I think? Good logics right! How did I forget?” 😉

This time I wrote down everything at night itself! Yay! –

– Din

5 thoughts on “Snippet Thoughts : May be, a better way to explain GOD

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  1. I agree that it is a baffling concept. It’s hard to believe in GOD when we are used to believing in things about which we have a clear explanation and and it’s harder to not believe because that would be taking too much of responsibilities on our shoulders. When a person decides to settle down with one particular ‘accepted form’ of God, I guess his/her world becomes a tad bit less complicated. But making that decision in itself is difficult, after all we are all people who can think for our selves and believing in somebody else’s words blindly means putting an end to our own thought process. And thus the confusion goes on..:(

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it is a continuous battle of thoughts inside our mind and our beliefs. No need to complicate actually, when we accept things as it is and stop insisting our views into others’ to make them accept.

      You wrote the missing point in my write up. “accepted Form” yes every such form originally has a lot of science and logics behind them. No way denying the beliefs! Well expressed by you infact.

      Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂


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