Alert! : Will India #BAN #Ajinomoto?

This will reveal the pathetic state of ‪#‎Indian‬ ‪#‎Food‬ ‪#‎Safety‬. Will India ban Ajinomoto now?

‪#‎Maggi‬ row has made everyone talk about MSG aka Monosodium Glutamate.

But we people are so unaware / lethargic to be frank.

This MSG is also called as Ajinomoto. Which is widely used across India in most of the foods in many hotels and processed foods like noodles.

Last time when you ate fried rice, you consumed the same MSG for which Maggi is banned now.

On 2005 itself a gentleman called ‪#‎DEEPANKAR‬ ‪#‎GANGULY‬ wrote about MSG on a Kolkata newspaper The Telegraph.

That article was just an example, many newspapers media might have wrote about MSG. But what is the use when they gave voice and the govt. or ‪#‎FSSAI‬ not listening to it?

When you know some ingredient is harmful.. why it is given permission under permissible limits? It is insane to trust business-minded world. Are they going to check every time when a cook sprinkles a handful of ajinomoto on the food which children gonna eat? NO.

Now it is up to the GOVT and FSSAI to ‪#‎BANajinomoto‬ completely.

Here is the article published on The Telegraph before 10 years

“Think twice before you treat your child to a meal of chowmein and chilli chicken. It could impair his mental growth. A snack of potato chips is just as dangerous.

‘Fast food, like rolls, potato chips and chowmein, contain a harmful, taste-enhancing chemical called monosodium glutamate, popularly known as ajinomoto. Unless checked, the effects of this chemical will be more widespread than smoking, since the consumers of fast food outnumber smokers,’ warned Iva Bhattacharya, senior dietician in the state health department and wife of the mayor.

The nutrition division of the department is planning to organise an awareness campaign on the ill-effects of ajinomoto. It also has plans to pressure the state government for a law against use of ajinomoto in food.

Countries like China and Japan have banned the use of ajinomoto in eatables, but the chemical is still indiscriminately used in almost all fast food preparations available in Calcutta, from chanachur to soup.

‘Unfortunately, most parents are not aware of the harm they’re doing to their child by giving them food containing ajinomoto,’ added Bhattacharya.

‘There are other problems as well with fast food. For example, preparation of potato chips involves heating of oil above 400 degrees Centigrade. The high temperature decomposes fatty acids in potatoes. This impairs elasticity of blood vessels and raises blood pressure,’ she said.

According to doctors, Ajinomoto is not only detrimental to the development of brain cells, but is also carcinogenic. It takes around seven to eight years for the harmful effects of the chemical to manifest in children.” – Credits : The Telegraph, Kolkata

However, Ajinimoto is keen on starting it’s own manufacturing unit in India and seeking to access one of the biggest market place in the world. Will India Ban Ajinomoto? or will our government try to risk our lives. We have to wait and watch.

13 thoughts on “Alert! : Will India #BAN #Ajinomoto?

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  1. Mr. Kodobar, Google Ajinomoto, it is the only company in the world that makes msg. They have manufacturing plants all over. Second, it is not a “natural” amino acid, and it is far different and more potent than natural glutamate. They are most certainly NOT the same thing, that is merely what they would like you to believe. And the research on msg is extensive, but, like all corporations, they are not going to let it out of the bag. You know the drill… Suppress, suppress, suppress. As a matter of fact synthetic msg blows through your blood brain barrier, which children do not have, and disrupts your neurotransmitters. It also blocks the brain from producing taurine and thus blocks the brain from making GABA. These things are easily found, I suggest for your own health that you begin to look into them. Here is a bonus… Msg is in EVERY vaccine except military vaccines. Why in the 70s did they remove it from the military vaccines? Because the soldiers were sick and unable to function, and thus they did not make very good soldiers. Things that make you go hmmm. Msg is very similar in effects to aspartame by the way. And it is in enriched rice, enriched flour, all store bought dairy products, all processed meats, enriched cereals, citric acid, and well darn near everything. At least here in the US. Look up auxigrow, that is a shocker.


  2. Ajinomoto is a Japanese company. It is not another name for MSG. Ajinomoto is the leading producer of MSG, but they make other products too. MSG is not banned in China or Japan. It’s not banned anywhere. Extensive studies have not shown any danger from MSG.

    Lead is dangerous. Many studies have proved the danger of lead. Maggi products contained high levels of lead. If you’re going to be scared fo something, be scared of lead, not MSG.


    1. Yes. We are well aware of that Ajinomoto is a Japanese company, but in India MSG is sold in the name “Ajinomoto” not as MSG. Please check this article,

      We can get you a 100s of articles like this against MSG. The issue is, it is a potentially dangerous additive, which must be used in limit. The problem with country like India, here no one can guarantee a fair practices of using food additives responsibly. That’s why Maggie is in trouble now. Not just for lead but also for an excessive amount of MSG.

      I echo the same with you about Lead. It is seriously dangerous than MSG. We must be scared of MSG also, because We are not using it directly, some manufacturer is mixing it somewhere. In India, we cannot trust any corporate because they do anything for money. Harsh, but truth.

      Bringing a strict laws or regulating Food safety procedures cannot happen overnight here. So why to risk public health for the mere sales of an additive? So India should ban MSG logically, but they wont do! 🙂


      1. Please refer JECFA, WHO, FAO websites about Facts & Myths about MSG. It’s a safe food to consume for everybody.


      2. MSG has been researched quite a lot. It hasn’t been banned in Europe or the USA. Indeed, it hasn’t been banned anywhere. Is it likely that India is going to make a breakthrough in food safety?

        MSG has been used for over 100 years and we’re not blind, ill or dead. You can link to 100s of poorly written, badly researched articles showing MSG is poison, but I can link to 100s of well written, well written articles that show MSG is safe.

        MSG is just the latest health scare in India. The article we’re commenting on here is full of nonsense. It says MSG is banned in China and Japan – it isn’t. It says that MSG is dangerous without any evidence. Here’s the original Telegraph article that is being quoted:

        It’s ten years old. Ten years old. It presents no scientific evidence.

        The current scare is caused by Maggi noodles having 17 times the safe level of lead. The dangers of lead are well understood and have been extensively researched. The same report that showed the lead levels also mentioned higher than expected levels of MSG, so now people in India are running around scared of MSG.

        It doesn’t matter if MSG is harmful or not, lead definitely is. You’ll die from lead poisoning long before MSG makes you ill – if that’s even possible.

        Yes, in India it’s difficult to trust any corporation because India’s legal system is terrible, corruption is everywhere and safety is often ignored. Those are huge problems. When you’ve managed to fix those, then you can tell the rest of the world that we’re wrong about MSG.


        1. Are you working for Ajinomoto? Why advocating so hard for MSG. I wonder what nutritional or health benefit it adds to food! Name a few if you know. Also I am very clear personally about the usage of MSG or any artificial color / chemical additive, which is permitted in a permissible amount : “BIG NO”

          Because in a country like india you knew it well how we follow rules. You have mentioned it there above. Hope you are getting my stand against MSG now. Can you deny “MSG at excessive quantity is unsafe?” You may argue, even a normal food taken in excess is harmful. But MSG cannot be compared with food. It is a chemical with no nutritional value. Help me if it has any health benefits.


        2. Of course I don’t work for Ajinomoto. I live in England. I have no connection with Ajinomoto. I don’t even think Ajinomoto makes MSG for Maggi. The only connection between them and the Maggi scandal is that Ajinomoto has become a slang term for MSG among some Indians. I might as well ask if you work for a competitor of Maggi or Ajinomoto.

          Can I say that MSG in excessive quantities is safe? No. I also can’t say that it’s unsafe. It has been tested extensively and used for over 100 years and we’re all still alive. But almost anything in excessive quantities can be harmful. Even drinking too much water will kill you.

          You ask if there are any health benefits of MSG. You intend it as a rhetorical question because you’re certain that there are no health benefits even though you haven’t done any research. You assume because it’s an additive, that MSG has no nutrition or health benefits. Unfortunately, it does.

          MSG is an essential amino acid. It’s known as an ‘essential’ because it is one of nine amino acids that cannot be produced by the body, yet are essential to life. It occurs naturally in hundreds of different foods (tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, etc, etc). It helps the body to form red blood cells among many other functions.

          One of the indirect benefits of MSG is that by using it in food, manufacturers can cut down on the amount of salt they use because the MSG boosts the salty flavour of the food.

          The reason I’m so bothered by your article is that you completely ignore the fact that Maggi noodles contained very high levels of lead. Lead is a known poison. It displaces calcium in the body and leaches into bones causing long-term damage because it accumulates over time. I can point to hundreds of scientific articles describing the damage caused by lead.

          MSG has been researched extensively and no one has ever proved that it causes any harm at all. You want the Indian government to ban MSG without any evidence whatsoever. You claim that Maggi noodles were banned because of MSG when that is completely untrue – they were banned for having 70 times the safe level of lead. Your only evidence is a ten year old newspaper article where the wife of a mayor said it was bad, again without any evidence at all.


        3. Maggi was an example.. the article’s is about Ajinomoto / MSG, not about maggi! The situation in India is far different from than in UK. The article was posted in concern to ensure the legitimacy of MSG, not to discuss why Maggi is banned!

          Indian Media had talked about both lead and MSG. I am talking about the Regional Media channels in regional languages. Hope you will trust BBC atleast ( regarding excessive MSG. Please read the article again. I am an educationist. Not working for any company, even if I supposedly work for Ajinomoto kind of companies, I would expose them rather advocating for them.

          We have posted it on concern, not to debate. Come to India, I will show you how many street side restaurants and hotels are using MSG without any limits. Considering our population thousands of thousands risking their lives by consuming additives like MSG in excessive quantity.

          Show me an Authentic report that says MSG is healthy! I can give you reports that MSG is a restricted usage additive. Show me your evidence please. Do you know even many chinese restaurants advertise, MSG FREE RESTAURANT! That says everything! It is your freedom to consume MSG, as well as our RIGHTS to deny it. Accept or Not it is your choice.


        4. You posted three blog articles as evidence. They all quote the same guy: Dr Russell L. Blaylock. He has written a book about MSG. He says it’s bad and causes Parkinson’s Disease. He has written other books that say vaccines cause autism and brain damage. Vaccines don’t cause autism and brain damage. Dr Blaylock has never written any scientific papers in his whole life.

          The BBC report is fair and balanced and explains what is happening. It doesn’t say MSG is harmful. Maggi say that they don’t put MSG in their noodles.

          Here’s some real scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and demonstrate that MSG is safe. That’s eight papers using double blind studies, published in scientific journals from around the world. Eight papers that show no harmful effects from MSG. Show me one scientific paper from a real scientific journal that demonstrates MSG is harmful to humans.

          Walker R, Lupien JR, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK, and Food and Nutrition Division, FAO of the United Nations, Italy. (April 2000). “The safety evaluation of monosodium glutamate”. Journal of Nutrition 130 (4S Suppl): 1049S–52S. PMID 10736380

          Freeman, Matthew, CNP, mph, Clinical Instructor (Adult Nurse Practitioner), Ohio State University. He reviewed 40 years of documents on PubMed, Medline, Lexis-Nexus, and Infotrac, and concluded there is no consistent clinical data to support the belief that MSG can elicit a headache, and there is no consistent evidence to suggest that individuals may be uniquely sensitive to MSG. (2006). “Reconsidering the effects of monosodium glutamate: A literature review”. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 18 (10): 482–6. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00160.x. PMID 16999713.

          Geha RS, Beiser A, Ren C et al. (April 2000). “Review of alleged reaction to monosodium glutamate and outcome of a multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled study”. J. Nutr. 130 (4S Suppl): 1058S–62S. PMID 10736382

          Tarasoff L., Kelly M.F. (1993). “Monosodium L-glutamate: a double-blind study and review”. Food Chem. Toxicol. 31 (12): 1019–35. doi:10.1016/0278-6915(93)90012-N. PMID 8282275.

          Walker R (October 1999). “The significance of excursions above the ADI. Case study: monosodium glutamate”. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 30 (2 Pt 2): S119–21. doi:10.1006/rtph.1999.1337. PMID 10597625

          Williams, A. N., and Woessner, K.M. (2009). “Monosodium glutamate ‘allergy’: menace or myth?”. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 39 (5): 640?646. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2222.2009.03221.x

          Shi, Z; Luscombe-Marsh, ND; Wittert, GA; Yuan, B; Dai, Y; Pan, X; Taylor, AW (2010). “Monosodium glutamate is not associated with obesity or a greater prevalence of weight gain over 5 years: Findings from the Jiangsu Nutrition Study of Chinese adults”. The British journal of nutrition 104 (3): 457–63. doi:10.1017/S0007114510000760. PMID 20370941

          Stevenson, D. D. (2000). “Monosodium glutamate and asthma”. J. Nutr. 130 (4S Suppl): 1067S–73S. PMID 10736384.


    2. Yes you are absolutely right Mr. Kodabar. Because of more Lead content only Maggi got banned not because of MSG.


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