Culture viewed in Universal Perspective

Being modern or traditional in the culture is decided within one’s own mind. Rest all is just opinions and illusions.

IllusionThe roots of culture and traditions goes back to the history of evolution. The entire transition of humanity from a mere animal to critical thinking brains as we are today, is because of living practices we adapted from time to time.

Such living practices existed along with the ever passing time, we name them as cultures and traditions.

What is Modern for today will be tomorrow’s culture/taboo. Many of the yesterday’s cultures have become myth, superstitions and comedies. What we thought un-doable or unethical are taboos! At any given point of time, all these are mere perceptions either according to one person or a collective perspective of a society. Which is not created by the universe, but by our very own mankind.

We can understand this if we believe in a bigger fact called Universal Truth. More wider we think, magnify our thought-scale, more clearer we can see the big picture of human culture.

Different countries have different code of ethics and culture, the modernity levels vary according to their own scale. Take any example of your choice like marriage, drinking, beach culture, dining habits, dressing sense, work culture, politics, etc. You can see the difference and when we correlate it with the history, the truth will be exposed. Modernity varies and the conflicts between people for acceptance was always there! 

A simple process of one belief, seeking its approval from a majority of the people and it is attained either by will or driven by some forces like kings, wars, spiritualism, religion or fear of death, etc.

So this modernity is something which is highly unstable and temporary one. We cannot stop the change and cannot limit it to a particular direction. During the times of Sati and Wars to capture kingdoms, no one would have thought that culture will be replaced by Modern free lifestyles like Live-in relationships and Democracy, respectively. We didn’t know the same gods 1000s of years before! We do not know what gods we may worship after 1000 years from now! When we humans had discovered iron we cherished it in our culture, then we celebrated salt! Now we are going behind Gold, Money , etc. Wait for something to allure us in the future! 🙂

GreedThen what controls the Culture? or what controls the change? Would be a right way to ask this. The desire of human minds! As individuals we are constantly on a look out for something that keeps us in a comfort level. We humans never bend to the environment, instead we shape and alter the environment to suit our needs. Be it social environment or physical environment. We adapt actually by changing the culture (way of life) than changing ourselves in accordance with universal truth.

So are the problems and our constant wandering to find solutions for them. We are the creators!

One good thing is whatever we try, our human species cannot defy the universal truth and we are always under its terms and conditions. Like we cannot switch from inhaling oxygen to nitrogen or CO2. We cannot survive in a culture which exploits nature and other living beings to put us on top of the ladder.

You might feel this is more philosophical or spiritual way of looking things. Think again deep, it’s practical and psychological as well.

So it’s better to realize the change we can control when it comes to culture is totally limited only to our very own selves. We can control nothing beyond our nose, which all becomes external. Do not try to change the culture or the society, you can change yourself and influence it for a change you want! Culture keeps on changing.

ChangeEven that too will be a temporary one! So, take a back seat when it comes to culture and enjoy the ride as life brings with smile and acceptance. Do what is right for you within your own boundaries, when you include others into your wants, then you are obviously inviting their cultural acceptance or  a change, for your own wants! So from there onwards complexity begins! The old saying goes the same “What’s right for one may be wrong for another!”

Get along with people who are like minded and make life simple. Although ensure you are in sync with the universal truth, which provides you the message and hints towards the right path of life. Those hints are kindness, love, calmness, peace, compassion, simplicity, sustainability, happiness, letting go, etc. After all these thoughts too are my way of looking things, so the choice is yours. 🙂 Have a great time ahead.

- Din

Courtesy : This is my entry for the IndiSpire Prompt If you value your traditions and culture, you’re branded conservative. While modernity is judged by clothes rather than thoughts. What’s you take on this topic? posted by Gaurab

Thanks Gaurab and Inidblogger.

8 thoughts on “Culture viewed in Universal Perspective

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      1. Have a great day ahead ! Here its night 🙂 first thing from ur blog which made me smiled was Header with ur articulated thoughts on the issue.
        P.S.- Do read my blog post on d same topic titled “Phirangi cocktail “& give me d critique too. Wud appreacite. thanks.


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