Know : Two Reasons to Stop Drinking Milk (Part 1 of 2)

The two reasons to stop drinking milk are The Health perspective and The Moral perspective to save the cows.

This is the first part we see the health perspective

Milk nutritional factChoose Vegetable Calcium Over Animal Calcium

A lot of people believe a vegetable-based diet, which excludes milk and cheese, doesn’t provide enough calcium. Fruits and vegetables contain ample amounts of calcium and this veggie-calcium is actually retained more efficiently in our bodies.

Green vegetables, beans, tofu, sesame seeds, and even oranges contain lots of usable calcium, without problems associated with dairy. Keep in mind that you retain the calcium better and just do not need as much when you don’t consume a diet heavy in animal products , sugar and sodium, and caffeine.

Despite its reputation, milk’s calcium-absorption rate is lower than what you might think:

Many green vegetables have calcium-absorption rates of over 50 percent, compared with about 32 percent for milk. 1 Additionally, since animal protein induces calcium excretion in the urine, the calcium retention from vegetables is higher. All green vegetables are high in calcium.

Cow’s Milk and Kids Aren’t Made for Each Other

The leading cause of digestive intolerance leading to stomach complaints is dairy products. Many kids have subtle allergies to cow’s milk that perpetuate their nasal congestion, leading to ear infections.

0404_milkMilk, which is designed by nature for the rapidly growing cow, has about half its calories supplied from fat. The fatty component is concentrated more to make cheese and butter. Milk and cheese are the foods that many encourage their children to eat, believing them to be healthy foods. Fifty years of heavy advertising by economically powerful industries has shaped the public’s perception, illustrating the power of one-sided advertising, but the reality and true health effects on our children is a different story. Besides the link between high-saturated-fat foods (dairy fat) and cancer, there is a body of scientific literature linking the consumption of cow’s milk to many other diseases. If we expect our children to resist many common illnesses, they simply must consume less milk, cheese, and butter. Dairy foods should be consumed in limited quantity or not at all.

Cow’s milk contains the calcium people need, but other foods are rich in calcium, too, including vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. Today we do not need to rely on cows for our calcium. We can eat greens directly for calcium, the place where cows get it to begin with, and orange juice and soy milks are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, too. It is easy to meet our nutrient needs for these substances without the risks of cow’s milk.

So, health wise, we have enough alternatives to choose than milk. Then what is the Moral perspective to stop drinking milk. Just wait for our update tomorrow.

Courtesy : Excerpts from Dr. Fuhrman’s

Read the Part 2: The Moral perspective to stop drinking milk


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